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Restoring a Nation

Evangelism, house churches, discipleship, and serving widows and orphans.

Iraq - The Cradle of Civilization

Where History Started

The Garden was here. Abraham walked here. The first civilizations arose here.

The earliest Church

Christianity arrived within just a few decades of Jesus.

The Gospel is Still Needed

There are 41 million Iraqis today, but just 1% are Christian.

The Kingdom is Still Needed

Decades of war left most in poverty.

Our Work

We live among the Iraqi people and have for more than a decade. We stayed during the ISIS war. We rushed into Mosul to serve and share the gospel with the hurting. We are in Baghdad, Nineveh, Erbil, and across the nation.

We evangelize the lost, disciple new believers, and train ministers through our Bible school. We meet needs through English classes, sewing classes, food distributions, and more.


Relief Programs

- Food Distribution to Widows, Orphans, Syrian Refugees and Displaced Iraqis
- Mitigate Housing and Medical costs for the poor
- School Supplies for orphans
- Summer Relief distribution providing air-coolers
- Winter Relief distribution of blankets, mattresses, and kerosene for heaters to widows and orphans


- Sewing Classes
- Small Business Micro-Finance
- Cooking Classes

Mental Health Care

- Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Trauma, Crisis, Grief and Resilience Program
- Art Expression Therapy Program (Healing through Art)

Education & Development Programs​

- Health and Fitness Training for Youth
- Leadership Development Conferences
- English Language Classes
- Music Classes
- Training Humanitarian Workers
- SHINE - Educational Program to Empower Women
- Private Classes for 9th Grade students



Operating in the Middle East is complex and expensive. We must navigate multiple governments with ever changing requirements. Getting supplies into the region often requires hand delivery. We know how to navigate this to the remotest areas but we need partners to help fund it all. Through your giving, we can expand our classes and outreaches across the Middle East to some of the hardest to reach areas. 

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